HT line – Trench heater with a fan

  • minimal dimensions with very high performance 
  • forced convection (heats even without the fan on) 
  • body made from high quality stainless steel
  • electronically commutated (EC) fan optimized for high performance and low vibration 
  • safe voltage 24 V DC 
  • control unit with its own microprocessor enabling a wide range of settings 
  • ideal for low-temperature energy sources 


with a fan


dry environment

heat pump


185 / 225 mm

90 mm

900 - 3000 mm

1798  W/m
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Technical parameters

Input parameters for calculation

Length (mm)

Atypical length (mm)

Width x height (mm)

Inlet water temperature

Outlet water temperature

Interior temperature (°C)

Output parameters

Q [W]
q [l/h]
Water flow
∆P [kPa]
Water pressure drop
V [l]
Heat exchanger water volume
Enter input parameters
The technical parameters are set according to the relevant standards. In fact, they may vary depending on the location of the convector, the cover grille, the connection type.
The technical parameters are set according to the relevant standards. In fact, they may vary depending on the location of the convector, the cover grille, the connection type.
The technical parameters are set according to the relevant standards. In fact, they may vary depending on the location of the convector, the cover grille, the connection type.
The technical parameters are set according to the relevant standards. In fact, they may vary depending on the location of the convector, the cover grille, the connection type.
The technical parameters are set according to the relevant standards. In fact, they may vary depending on the location of the convector, the cover grille, the connection type.
The technical parameters are set according to the relevant standards. In fact, they may vary depending on the location of the convector, the cover grille, the connection type.
The technical parameters are set according to the relevant standards. In fact, they may vary depending on the location of the convector, the cover grille, the connection type.
The technical parameters are set according to the relevant standards. In fact, they may vary depending on the location of the convector, the cover grille, the connection type.

Available grilles and accessories

Grille - aluminium

rolling - dense - silver

Grille - st. steel

rolling - dense (must be ordered with the convector)


Can we help your project?

Take advantage of our years of experience and involve us to your project. We will advise you on the most suitable choice of heating and cooling system, we also conduct our own measurements and discuss with the contractor the ideal way of installation.

Meet us at ISH Fair in Frankfurt

Meet us at ISH fair 

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