
National Museum

Prague 1 | Václavské náměstí | 2017-2019

The National Museum is the largest museum in the Czech Republic. That is why our company is proud it was able to participate in the reconstruction of this historical and national building. During the reconstruction, great emphasis was put on technological functionality of the floor - apart from others, there are also our electric heating convectors in it.

Project parameters

Convector type:

TE - electric

Number of convectors:


During the reconstruction of the museum floor between 2017 and 2019, MINIB has supplied a total of 126 electric floor TE convectors for this project. The project was entrusted to architect Zdeněk Žilka, with whom MINIB has been in contact since 2014, i.e. long time before the commencement of the actual work and at a time when other options for heating the historical areas of the National Museum were being considered. We are very proud that our electric TE convectors were eventually proposed for this project. The actual implementation of our convertors required some atypical modifications, which our construction department and production handled in an excellent way to the satisfaction of the customer. The convectors were installed by Instalace Praha, s.r.o., which is one of the largest implementation companies.

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Can we help your project?

Take advantage of our years of experience and involve us to your project. We will advise you on the most suitable choice of heating and cooling system, we also conduct our own measurements and discuss with the contractor the ideal way of installation.

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